‘6 natural ways to prevent diabetes before it starts’

In the link are some natural ways to prevent that dreadful illness called diabetes. Drinking water instead of other beverages may help control blood sugar and insulin levels, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes. Sticking with…Read more here: https://www.gundersenhealth.org/health-wellness/be-well/6-natural-ways-to-prevent-diabetes-before-it-starts/

Beware: Serious NIN Crime Going On In Nigeria!

Why we should be very careful and about who has access to our NIN especially during this period that many sims are barred. From what I read in the linked article, there is a risk that people can commit crimes with a sim registered with someone else’s NIN… Read more

2023: Nomination Forms Should Be Discounted To Minimum Wage For Low Income Earners

Nomination forms for party primaries for the 2023 elections are beyond the reach of most low-income earners. The price of nomination forms in many parties and for many posts are set in the millions. This means that internal democracy is not respected in the area of given low+income earners their constitutional right to contest in…… Continue reading 2023: Nomination Forms Should Be Discounted To Minimum Wage For Low Income Earners

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2023: Presidential Declaration Of Prince Charles Boniface Offokaja

“My fellow Nigerians, “I, Prince Charles Boniface Offokaja, Convener of North South Co-Presidency Movement, hereby declare my intention to run for the office of President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the 2023 elections, in order to bring North-South co-operation, stability and lasting development to Nigeria. “It is time for mass EMPLOYMENT. It is…… Continue reading 2023: Presidential Declaration Of Prince Charles Boniface Offokaja