Brits come for ‘part Kenyan’ Obama for ‘sticking his nose in their business’

Meeting 2-year-old Prince George, the future King of Britain was not the only thing President Barack Obama did in his recent official visit to the United Kingdom – probably his last as US President. Mr Obama also wrote an article in which he  argued that Brits should vote to remain in the European Union in a…… Continue reading Brits come for ‘part Kenyan’ Obama for ‘sticking his nose in their business’

How Obama’s cautious approach undermined the credibility of US power – PJ Crowley

In the postmortem article I linked to below, PJ Crowley, a former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State suggests that President Obama’s unwillingness to act in Syria – after the red line he drew on chemical weapons was crossed – led to a decline in respect for American power internationally. He reviews Obama’s foreign Crowley reviews…… Continue reading How Obama’s cautious approach undermined the credibility of US power – PJ Crowley