Why the British Government may not pressure the Nigerian Government to release Nnamdi Kanu

A spokesman of the British High Commission in Nigeria, Mr Joe Abuku has said that the British Government has been rendering assistance to detained Radio Biafra Director Nnamdi Kanu, who is charged by the Nigerian Government with Treason. This was contained in an email response to a letter written by Punch to the High Commission. According…… Continue reading Why the British Government may not pressure the Nigerian Government to release Nnamdi Kanu

Radio Biafra broadcasting again – without Nnamdi Kanu

Radio Biafra, which has been off since its Director Nnamdi Kanu was arrested seems to be back on air. According to The Cable, the station is airing from 30 Sandlings Close, Pilkington Road, London, SE11 3SY England, United Kingdom. According to reports, the station is live on Tune In, an Internet radio platform. The anchor yesterday…… Continue reading Radio Biafra broadcasting again – without Nnamdi Kanu

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Watch Flavours Latest Music Video ‘Dance’

Hi folks, it’s a Saturday again. Life passes by so quickly, but there is nothing we can do about it, except to enjoy it as much as we can without ‘overdoing it’. So, to give your ears some cool new sounds, I have posted a link to flavour’s latest music video. It’s called ‘Dance’. Listen…… Continue reading Watch Flavours Latest Music Video ‘Dance’