Government Thinking Of Okada Ban Across Nigeria

Nigeria’s Attorney General has announced that the Government is thinking seriously of banning Okada (commercial motorcycles). This is because the government is blaming them for a lot. But without creating alternative employment or funding for the okada riders how do they want the Okada riders to feed? One good thing then Governor Oshiomhole did when… Continue reading Government Thinking Of Okada Ban Across Nigeria

Lockdown: Buhari Planning Help For Daily Wage Workers – Osinbajo

With ‘hungervirus’ threatening to kill people like coronavirus, Vice President Yemi Osinbajo has come out on video to reveal that he and Buhari are thinking of ways to help daily wage workers that are now forced to stay at home in states that have been locked down. Watch video below. (Sir, seriously consider helping people… Continue reading Lockdown: Buhari Planning Help For Daily Wage Workers – Osinbajo

Woman Arrested For Coughing On $35,000 Food

An unnamed woman has been arrested for intentionally contaminating food after she entered Gerrity’s Supermarket in Hanover Township and started coughing on produce, bakery items, meat and other merchandise, chain co-owner Joe Faout here.sula wrote on Facebook. After employees of the store got her out of it, they decided to throw out all the food… Continue reading Woman Arrested For Coughing On $35,000 Food

Why You Should Never Stay In The Midst Of A Mob

Please, try not to ever stay in the midst of a mob lynching someone. You ask why? Police sources say if any body dies from the mob action and someone is arrested at the scene, that person becomes a Murder Suspect until proven innocent.   Our prisons are… Continue Reading in link below: