Igbo Language Video: Are You Igbo Igbotic? – By Chief Ugezu Ugezu

This BBC Igbo video is a must watch, whether you agree with Chief Ugezu or not. The essence of been a true Igbo Son or Daughter is ability to speak with Igbo language fluently.. Are You Igbo Igbotic ??? Can your kids speak fluent?? Enjoy this video from Chief Ugezu Ugezu pic.twitter.com/NrrKDI6WJ5 — Chief Ezekwueche… Continue reading Igbo Language Video: Are You Igbo Igbotic? – By Chief Ugezu Ugezu

BBC just published something about blockchain that I think you should see if you run a business

BBC did an in depth analysis of possible and existing uses of blockchain technology outside cryptocurrency.  You might want to arm yourself with the knowledge the article will give you if you are a business leader. It might make your company the next innovative leader. See the resourceful BBC article here.

IS Hits French Economy As Lille Cancels Flea Market

The French city of Lille has held an annual flea market for centuries. This flea market doubles the population every year, but the Mayor of Lille has cancelled this year’s market after the series of IS attacks which have rocked France this year. Restaurants were counting on the market to boost sales, but with the cancellation… Continue reading IS Hits French Economy As Lille Cancels Flea Market