If Crude Oil Should Give Nigeria Another Chance

The oft repeated saying that crude oil is a curse is not accurate. Nigeria, with her militant insurgency, environmental degradation and corruption crises derived from crude oil often comes up as an example of the veracity of the statement. But, a more accurate saying would be that crude oil can be a blessing if ones…… Continue reading If Crude Oil Should Give Nigeria Another Chance

The Press Should Concede Victory To Donald Trump Already!

It is a tradition in the United States for the losing party to concede victory to the victor after the presidential elections. Hillary Clinton, who was Donald Trump’s opponent from the Democratic Party has already done so. So, why am I asking the press (most of it) to concede defeat in US election 2016 to…… Continue reading The Press Should Concede Victory To Donald Trump Already!

America’s Benefit If Trump Frees Assange

Julian Assange contributed so much to the victory of Donald Trump in the November 2016 US Presidential elections, but that is not why I, a Trump supporter is asking for Donald Trump to release him from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, which has been his defacto prison for the past 6 years. Yes, under the…… Continue reading America’s Benefit If Trump Frees Assange