Funny but true quote from Robert Mugabe

Treat every part of your towel nicely because the part that wipes your buttocks today will wipe your face tomorrow. -Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe certainly has a way with words. Tell me what he said here isn’t true. To me, the proverb means that one should treat everybody fairly, because, no matter how…… Continue reading Funny but true quote from Robert Mugabe

Anambra exports ugwu to Europe 5 times in 8 months without European food safety objections!

Igbo people are a great people who can pull Nigeria up to the heights of the Japans and Germany’s of this world, if only the enabling environment is created. Currently, it is very difficult for African food exports to Europe to pass the tests of the European Food Safety Authority, but in the past 5…… Continue reading Anambra exports ugwu to Europe 5 times in 8 months without European food safety objections!

Baby pulled out alive after building collapse in Kenya

A 6 story building has collapsed in Kenya, due to landslides caused by excessive rainfall and poor building standards. Many people are trapped in the building, about 50 of them have been rescued but 3 have been confirmed dead. Among the lucky survivors was a baby, and the crowd cheered as it was pulled out…… Continue reading Baby pulled out alive after building collapse in Kenya

Cattle ranching example in Anambra – no need for grazing reserves

 A private company, Eagle Farms and Cattle Ranch has begun operations in Umuchu in Anambra State, showing that it is possible to apply modern methods in cattle rearing  in Nigeria. At the ranch, the cattle are reared in a confined space, and don’t go grazing in the community, which would bring tensions if they go into people’s farms…… Continue reading Cattle ranching example in Anambra – no need for grazing reserves

Oshiomhole announces construction of 450 megawatt power plant in Edo State

Governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State has announced that a private company is building a 450-megawatt power plant in the state, which will be completed in the next 1 to 2 years.  The governor made this announcement when the Chinese Consul-General in Nigeria, Liu Khan paid him a visit in bid to explore investment opportunities…… Continue reading Oshiomhole announces construction of 450 megawatt power plant in Edo State