Police Spokesman Mr Frank MBA has advised rape victims to resist the urge to take their bath immediately after they are raped. According to him, doing so may destroy important evidence needed to convict the rapist. In a writeup by Mba, he advised:
Preserve all physical evidence after rape. Do not take your bath or change the clothes you wore during the rape incident.
This may destroy essential components of evidence necessary to establish your case and convict the rapist.
Preserve all torn materials such as underwears, bras or other apparels. Similarly, all blood stained or seminal fluid-stained items should also be preserved.
Personal items belonging to the suspects picked up from the scene should also be preserved. Where possible, the scene of rape also known as the scene of crime should be preserved to enable investigators review it in its uncontaminated form.
Mr MBA also advises the rape victim to go along with someone to see the doctor for medical examination and care immediately and to report the incident to the nearest Police Station.
On the issue of stigmatization, he advises that the rape victim constantly reminds themselves that it was not their fault, noting that, after all, no one asks to be injured, humiliated or abused.
He advises that the rape victim gets counseling to help deal with the situation. It should be noted that the Mirabel Centre, located at LASUTH, provides lots of relief for rape victims, including counseling and medical examination.
This o e weak me I no go lie