Young Lady Dies In Plane Going To Nigeria

A young lady named, Balkisu, died yesterday inside an aeroplane flying from Sudan to Nigeria. A Twitter user, nainna_jr who shared the story, said… Balkisu was not ill, neither was there a plane crash. “Balkisu�. She died earlier today on her way back from school khartoum sudan. She died inside plane with full health,no plane…… Continue reading Young Lady Dies In Plane Going To Nigeria


At a hospital’s intensive care unit, {I.C.U} patients always pass-away in the same bed at 7am every morning regardless of their condition. This situation puzzled medical staff, so a group of medical doctors decided to observe the bed in secret and waited for the fateful hour… Some held crosses and prayer books to ward off…… Continue reading “DEATH AT 7AM”

Pastor Accused Of Leading HIV Positive Man To His Death After Prayers

The family of a dead man has claimed that he died because he had faith that controversial South African based prophet, Pastor Alph Lukau’s prayer’s had led to his healing from HIV. But, should the dead man have stopped taking his drugs? And should the Pastor not have told him to go take a medical…… Continue reading Pastor Accused Of Leading HIV Positive Man To His Death After Prayers


Award winner drops DEAD after dancing from the audience onto stage to collect his prize 

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Sad: Youth corper buried in Akwa Ibom weeks to passing out 

It is very sad news that a corper who has finished school and is waiting to begin her life, has that life snatched by death just weeks to passing out. Yet that is the subject of the story I have linked to below. With a few weeks to her passing out, Ngozi Onyekwere was involved in…… Continue reading Sad: Youth corper buried in Akwa Ibom weeks to passing out 

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