Four Nnewi festivals that have been stopped are Igba Ota, Igbu Ichi, Ikwu aru, and Igbu Ichebili. Our investigations show they were stopped because of ‘modernisation’. We think it should be looked into if there is away to remove any harmful effects the festivals had and then revive and continue them. If properly handled, they… Continue reading 4 Nnewi Festivals That Have Been Stopped That May Just Need Reform
Tag: culture
Watch: US-Based Children Speaking Igbo Fluently
The video shows children based in the US speaking the mother-tongue very fluently. Their parents have tried. Let’s make sure Igbo language doesn’t go extinct. Watch.
Nsibidi And The Afro Americans
Nsibidi, the ancient writing form used by the Igbos, the Ibibios, the Efiks… was transported to Cuba and Haiti via the Atlantic slave trade, where it developed into the anaforuana and veve symbols.
Why you should speak Igbo to your children – Eunice Ani
Helping the younger generation to speak Igbo will…
“The Leopard (Agu) Not The Lion (Odum) Is The Igbo Totem Animal”
The article linked to (originally from Igboist group) argues that the lion 🦁 has taken the spot historically reserved for the leopard in Igbo tradition. It urges the Igbos to abandon imported isi agu clothing that shows the lion’s head and reembrace okpuku agu clothing (leopard skin) as Igbo traditional wear. The article writer sees… Continue reading “The Leopard (Agu) Not The Lion (Odum) Is The Igbo Totem Animal”