The article linked to (originally from Igboist group) argues that the lion 🦁 has taken the spot historically reserved for the leopard in Igbo tradition. It urges the Igbos to abandon imported isi agu clothing that shows the lion’s head and reembrace okpuku agu clothing (leopard skin) as Igbo traditional wear. The article writer sees… Continue reading “The Leopard (Agu) Not The Lion (Odum) Is The Igbo Totem Animal”
Tag: agu
Isi Agu or Isi Odum: what should the official clothing design of the Igbo be called?
The cloth Igbos popularly refer to as Isi Agu, should it rather be called Isi Odum? See below: Is isi-agụ the right name for this cloth material that is associated with the Igbos? Yes, isi-agụ is its correct name but what is on the cloth is isi ọdụm (lion’s head), not isi agụ (leopard’s head)