The biggest cause of the so-called Covid-19 second wave in Nigeria is that the political class didn’t distribute palliatives given to them to distribute. Some hid palliatives in warehouses while their fellow citizens were starving. If they hadn’t, many daily income earners wouldn’t have felt like going out each day during the lockdown to trade… Continue reading Hiding Of Palliatives By Political Class Caused Coronavirus Second Wave In Nigeria
Tag: corona virus
Video Shows How One Person Can Spread Coronavirus To A Whole Community! (Scary)
Have you ever wondered how an index case can transfer coronavirus till it spreads to a whole community? This video shows how coronavirus or covid-19 can spread from just one infected man to infect a whole community. See how innocent social and work contacts led to infections. After watching this video, I realised anew whyl… Continue reading Video Shows How One Person Can Spread Coronavirus To A Whole Community! (Scary)
Justin Trudeau’s Wife Tests Positive For Coronavirus
The wife of Canada’s Prime Minister has tested positive for coronavirus! See details
Why Nigeria Should Not Rely On ‘Africa’s Hot Weather’ To Tackle Corona Virus
That is not enough comfort. Reports have it that it has been raining in some parts of Lagos since last night, and the weather is cool. Everyone should rely on African heat on this one, but one proper hygienic standards and reasonable safety precisions.
Corona Virus: Japan Orders All Schools Closed
Menn! This Corona Virus of a thing ia very serious o. We have just got news that Japan has ordered all schools closed on Monday, following a realisation of the seriousness of the issue. When was the last time Japan closed down schools during peace time? This is serious. Anyway, read all about it in… Continue reading Corona Virus: Japan Orders All Schools Closed