WE SAID IT: Trump’s ‘Foolish US’ Tweet Was For Strategic Surprise (Frosty Trump Putin Meeting, You Said)? LOL

In our previous post we said the “foolish US” tweet was meant to send the anti-Trump section of the media on a wild goose chase as Trump meets Putin today.

Now the New York Times

is reporting on a “frosty” meeting between Trump and Putin.

Part of their article read: “The body language between the two men was frosty as they sat down for the cameras save for one moment where Trump turned to Putin and winked – only to be met with no response from the Russian strongman.”

Merriam Webster’s definition of wink is this to: close and open one eye quickly, typically to indicate that something is a joke or a secret or as a signal of affection or greeting. Selah

Is it that Putin did not read Trump’s tweet? Or is it that he knows it was just a Trumpist strategy to lower expectations?

Or are the two men coordinating a game of strategic misdirection against the US liberal mainstream media?

Is this world class high stakes acting by the two most powerful men on earth?

Is this a case of the more you look the less you see by the only two members of the most exclusive club on earth?

Remember the meeting is not going to be attended by many folks. The two men might just have joked: ‘Let’s give the cameras what they want to see’. See?

If its all smokes and mirrors it might be a message to the liberal mainstream media. A message to tone down the Trump-and-Putin harrasment a little. That is if they want to get a chance to place their finger at the pulse of the US-Russia alliance.

Wild guess: Putin will give Trump a concession in front of the cameras to compensate for the stony stare. Just a bet.


Categorized as News

By OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender

Digital marketer and Marketing analyst


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