Is it time for Tinubu to quit politics?

In 1990, Bola Ahmed Tinubu did the unthinkable by resigning his job as a treasurer in Mobil now Exxon Mobil in his bid to join the murky waters of Nigerian politics. In an interview he granted to the News Magazine, he wanted to go beyond backing the gubernatorial ambition of Chief Dapo Sarumi to playing…… Continue reading Is it time for Tinubu to quit politics?

Don’t divide us-APC youths to Tinubu

A group of angry APC youths on Tuesday stormed the headquarters of the All Progressives Congress to protest what they say is “Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s overbearing influence on party affairs.” The protesters, who came under the platform of the the All Progressives Congress Democratic Youth Frontiers, held up several banners with anti-Tinubu slogans, some…… Continue reading Don’t divide us-APC youths to Tinubu

Tinubu, Buhari And The Fight For The Soul Of APC

As plans thicken to whittle down his power, influence in APC From Ndubuisi Orji, Abuja Though he died several centuries before many of Nigeria’s current political leaders were born, Italian renaissance historian, politician, diplomat, philosopher, humanist and writer Niccolò Machiavelli appears to be their mentor. No wonder, he is regarded in the country’s political circle…… Continue reading Tinubu, Buhari And The Fight For The Soul Of APC

Watch Video: People Hanging On Fast-moving Train In Lagos

The video below shows people hanging on a moving train in Lagos, Nigeria. Two days ago, we reported that a man is suspected to have fallen from a moving train and had his two legs sliced off. Yet every day people keep jumping on these trains. Government should orientate these dudes. Watch video below.