Nollywood actress Ibinabo Fiberesima loses appeal over death of Lagos doctor – bursts into tears

The Lagos State Division of the Appeal Court on Friday March 12, sentenced beautiful actress Ibinabo Fiberesima to 5 years in prison over the accidental killing of a Lagos-based doctor in what was alleged to be Ibinabo’s careless driving.Ibinabo is reported to have Ibinabo is reported to have burst into tears after the sentence was…… Continue reading Nollywood actress Ibinabo Fiberesima loses appeal over death of Lagos doctor – bursts into tears

How Obama’s cautious approach undermined the credibility of US power – PJ Crowley

In the postmortem article I linked to below, PJ Crowley, a former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State suggests that President Obama’s unwillingness to act in Syria – after the red line he drew on chemical weapons was crossed – led to a decline in respect for American power internationally. He reviews Obama’s foreign Crowley reviews…… Continue reading How Obama’s cautious approach undermined the credibility of US power – PJ Crowley

Meet the American migrants, including Muslims who strongly support Trump (why they do)

US Republican front-runner Donald Trump has said many things that many Muslims and other migrants in America have condemned as being targeted against them. While the condemnations are sometimes so strong that you wouldn’t expect to find any meaningful support in these communities for Trump, there is surprisingly a sizable amount of support for The…… Continue reading Meet the American migrants, including Muslims who strongly support Trump (why they do)

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President Buhari Wins Award For Successful Fight Against Polio 

Nigeria’s President Buhari has been presented with an award, the Polio Championships Award for his efforts to ensure the eradication of polio, a disease which often paralyses, and sometimes kills its victims. Although past Nigerian administrations have indeed done a lot to ensure that Nigeria is currently polio-free, President Buhari’s efforts are especially noteworthy, as…… Continue reading President Buhari Wins Award For Successful Fight Against Polio