One New Year Resolution I Have Made

It is hard to keep rendering help when one doesn’t reciecve enough encouragement, but I have decided that my NGO, the Prince and Princess Charles Offokaja Foundation keep will keep impacting lives in 2017, no matter what.

This outgoing year, we put smiles in some people’s faces. But it was hard. People think all NGOs are fraudulent. So, they don’t support. But we will keep helping, because we have to assist government in putting smiles on peoples’ face.

Offokaja Foundation will not relent. We will make impact in people’s lives in Nigeria and beyond in 2017.

If you want to join us to make impact, like our Facebook page and drop us a suggestion there. Let’s talk.

From: Prince Charles Offokaja, Founder, Offokaja Foundation, CAC IT number 75980.

Categorized as News

By OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender

Digital marketer and Marketing analyst


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