Nigeria, not America, is the world’s police

For those of you insulting Nigeria, Mr Rights Ng has an answer: Nigeria is the world’s police. 

The United States has been called the world’s police. But not according to the quote below:

Take a guess as to which country commits more troops to global peacekeeping operations than any other. 

If you’ve read the rest of this article so far, picked up on the theme and guessed Nigeria, you’d be correct. Nigeria ships off soldiers to 80 different countries in Africa, Europe and Asia. 

While Bangladesh is set to pass Nigeria’s contributions in the near future, they will still be contributing more soldiers than the EU and more than five times as many soldiers as the US. Team Nigeria World Police?

Do you agree that Nigeria, not the US, is the world’s police? Let’s get your comment.

By OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender

Digital marketer and Marketing analyst


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