Ultimate Love: Nkechi says she would have connected with Uche, swapped with him

Ultimate Love guest Nkechi has jist revealed to Aunty that she would have bonded with Uche if he had come earlier. She however said that even though she would have swapped with Uche, she now loves Jay. Aunty was like pleasantly surprised to hear that. She also said she was disappointed with Uche’s total rejection…… Continue reading Ultimate Love: Nkechi says she would have connected with Uche, swapped with him

Advice For A Lady Who Saw Blood In Her Stool

It might just be hemoroids or tears from constipation. Tell her to use warm water and salt to wash the area to prevent infection. If it continues after some days she should go to the hospital for proper examination. More serious cases could include colon cancer, ulcer, internal bleeding. Usually more serious conditions may or…… Continue reading Advice For A Lady Who Saw Blood In Her Stool

Advice For A Lady Who Saw Blood In Her Stool

It might just be hemoroids or tears from constipation. Tell her to use warm water and salt to wash the area to prevent infection. If it continues after some days she should go to the hospital for proper examination. More serious cases could include colon cancer, ulcer, internal bleeding. Usually more serious conditions may or…… Continue reading Advice For A Lady Who Saw Blood In Her Stool

How Argentina made $33B from simple accounting change

A little-noticed decision by policy makers late last year to change the way they value government bond holdings transformed the central bank’s balance sheet overnight, turning what had been a net worth of negative $2 billion into positive $33 billion. I know economists and policy makers will be interested in learning how Argentina did this.