Twitter is launching the ability for its users to record audio voicenotes and attach them to their tweets. Sadly, the new feature is available only on iOS first. And even then, it only available for “a limited group of people” to begin with, according to the company. “Sometimes 280 characters aren’t enough and some conversational… Continue reading IOS Users Can Now Record And Send Voice Tweets
Tag: social media
The Real Donald Trump Versus Twitter
The Real Donald Trump is angry with Twitter and other social media. Will he trump this or will he falter? I was reading an analysis about President Donald Trump’s executive order targeting social media platforms. The analyst, BBC’s Anthony Zurcher believes that the executive order may not affect social media until way after the November… Continue reading The Real Donald Trump Versus Twitter
5 Tips For Successful Social Media Marketing
1. Find out what your audience wants from you and give it to them. What they want is often more important that what you think they should want.
How You Can Turn Your Social Media Page Into A Million Dollar Business
You can turn your social media page into a multimillion dollar business. See how they are already doing it in China.
5 Types Of Photos You Should Not Share On Social Media
1. Nudes, obviously I’d like to think we all know this, but when models and celebrities are flashing side-boob and booty (or the rest of themselves), it may seem like an awesome idea to do the same to boost your popularity. Bad idea. Keep in mind it can be tacky and used against you by someone… Continue reading 5 Types Of Photos You Should Not Share On Social Media