Igbodefender.com May Send Buses To Evacuate Igbo From North

Igbo cultural news organization, Igbodefender.com is studying the situation concerning Igbos in the North with a view to sending buses to evacuate Igbos if the crisis degenerates. It is also working with the Prince Charles Offokaja Foundation on modalities to grant Entrepreneurial and Resettlement Restarter Packages (ERRP) to any Igbo it evacuates to ensure that they are able to quickly continue their lives with minimal discomfort and restart their entrepreneurial lifestyle once they arrive Ala Igbo, which is defined as any Igbo speaking part of the South East, South South or the Igbo speaking parts of Benue and Kogi States which lie in the North Central zone of Nigeria.

But feelers from the organization indicate that their are high hopes that such contingency measures may not eventually be necessary given the intervention of Northern elders in the matter, the International Criminal Court implications if ethnic cleansing were carried out against Ndigbo in this day and age, and the perception that the Buhari-Osinbajo Administration would not want to allow such violence against Ndigbo.

A source in the organization, while speaking on the issue stated that; “The feeling here is: “We hope it doesn’t get to mass evacuation, but we have to be ready if it does because this is the biggest open threat to Igbo wellbeing in the North since the 1966 pogrom and civil war. Ndi Igbo are our business niche at Igbodefender.com. They are also our primary constituency.”

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By OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender

Digital marketer and Marketing analyst


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