Good Day, your Excellency. I thank you for even buying vans for the police to fight those okada driving against traffic in the first place. After all, equiping the police is a federal not a state duty. But Sir, for your work to be effective in stopping one way okadas, you need to buy more of these vans. I think you should buy up to 50.
The other day, I was talking with policemen from one of the vans and I asked them why they don’t come out in the evenings to patrol along the Oshodi-Sango route, where wicked okada men mowe pedestrians down anyhow, and they said that they only have 4 vans, so they are stretched thin. They also told me they have to use these 4 vans to patrol the whole state, a state with about 18 million people.
To me, 4 vans for that is not nearly enough. 4 vans for 18 million people.
Sir, these police need these vans to catch the okadas that ride against traffic in the Oshodi-Sango route. Please provide more vans, Sir. Thank you so very much.