‘5 Ways Obama Betrayed Africa’

The writer of the piece I have linked to below, OREVA-OGHENNE EJIRO has no chill for outgoing US president Barrak Obama. He accuses Kenyan American Obama of cutting Nigeria’s oil sales to the US, while increasing the oil sales of Qatar. Remember that our economic problems really started after Obama cut Nigeria’s oil sales to the US.

He accuses Obama of destroying what he described as Africa’s jewel, Libya under Ghadaffi. Remember that during Ghaddaffi’s time newly weds in Libya used to receive a house from the government free of charge for instance.

Read all his accusations against Obama here. Is OREVA-OGHENNE EJIRO right about Obama? if yes, are there any other ways you feel Obama damaged or tried to damage Africa? Lets get your brief comment below.

By OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender

Digital marketer and Marketing analyst


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