
Duterte blasts the ICC as a bunch of ‘white idiots’  He has also called for nations to withdraw from ICC end mass. Fact check. The current President of the ICC is Nigerian.


“Go see a psychiatrist”, U.N. High Comnisioner for Human Rights blasts Acid-tongued President Duterte  Has Duterte finally met Hus match? Knowing Duterte, the High Commissioner should expect the ‘most vulgar counterattack.’

20 Crime Bosses Raise P1Billion To Kill Incoming Philipines President- Source 

The fundraiser from the drug lords came after incoming President Duterte offered rewards for every drug lord or pusher killed. The President-elect promised P5 million for every dead drug lord, P3 million if arrested alive and P50,000 each from small-time drug pushers. Source: 20 crime lords give P50M each to kill-Duterte fund—source | Inquirer News And… Continue reading 20 Crime Bosses Raise P1Billion To Kill Incoming Philipines President- Source