President Duterte of the Philippines has reacted strongly after social media giant Facebook took down some pro Duterte accounts. The words he used shows how seriously the President who is known for blasting world leaders takes the actions of Facebook. Read on
Tag: Duterte
Duterte blasts the ICC as a bunch of ‘white idiots’ He has also called for nations to withdraw from ICC end mass. Fact check. The current President of the ICC is Nigerian.
“Go see a psychiatrist”, U.N. High Comnisioner for Human Rights blasts Acid-tongued President Duterte Has Duterte finally met Hus match? Knowing Duterte, the High Commissioner should expect the ‘most vulgar counterattack.’
Will Duterte Be Able To Keep His Promise To Kill Criminals?
Rodrigo Duterte has finally been sworn in as president of The Philippines. The country had elected him after he promised to kill thousands of criminals.
20 Crime Bosses Raise P1Billion To Kill Incoming Philipines President- Source
The fundraiser from the drug lords came after incoming President Duterte offered rewards for every drug lord or pusher killed. The President-elect promised P5 million for every dead drug lord, P3 million if arrested alive and P50,000 each from small-time drug pushers. Source: 20 crime lords give P50M each to kill-Duterte fund—source | Inquirer News And… Continue reading 20 Crime Bosses Raise P1Billion To Kill Incoming Philipines President- Source