Congratulations @yamcy for winning the Reply Poster Of The Month award for March with a reward of 500 points (N500.00). Keep it up. There is no Topic Poster Of The Month for this month. No Status Update Poster Of The Month for this month. No Blog Comment Poster Of The Month for this month, and…… Continue reading @yamcy Wins Reply Poster Of The Month Of March, 2022, (500 Points (N500))
Tag: contest
Highest Referrer Contest
We will be rewarding the highest signup (registration) referrers from today (19-03-22) till Monday (21-02-22). Rules We will reward the 2 highest referrers but they must refer at least 6 signups (registrations not visits) to qualify.Note: Referring more than one person with your device can lead to disqualification of subsequent referrals. Let the games begin.
Igbo To English Translation Contest
Dear fluent Igbo language speakers; Knowing how important it is to promote understanding of the Igbo language; Noting that lots of people need Igbo language translations in their quest to understand the language; We decided to start this Igbo to English language translation contest. To participate, all you need to do is go to the…… Continue reading Igbo To English Translation Contest