Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Have Already Won 4 States Each On Super Tuesday

The results of Super Tuesday are already trickling in, and the article linked below reports that both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have already clinched 4 states each. It appears that Hillary should brace herself because she won’t be meeting a cool, calm, opponent from the Republican Party – like Jeb or Rubio. She would…… Continue reading Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Have Already Won 4 States Each On Super Tuesday

Mobile traffic courts strike fear into the hearts of traffic abusers in Lagos

The article linked to below describes how mobile courts to try traffic offenders which was instituted last month has brought increased sanity into the transport system, as reckless drivers are tried, convicted and fined. Let’s hope it makes Lagos a safer place to be. And let’s hope it is not abused. See article below. Source:…… Continue reading Mobile traffic courts strike fear into the hearts of traffic abusers in Lagos

How he was almost swindled trying to buy dollars

The guy in the article linked to went to buy dollars and the operators tried to use a technique to swindle him of his hard earned cash. Please read and learn how he caught them in the link below. Source: How God Saved Me From Being Swindled Of A Little Cash – Crime – Nigeria

How Trump May Join Obama To Deny Hillary Clinton The White House

Hilary Clinton is said to have signed a pact with her husband Bill Clinton when they were still students. According to the story, Hillary and Bill agreed that if she helps him become president, he too will help her become president. Fast forward to 1992, Bill Clinton finally decided the time was right to throw…… Continue reading How Trump May Join Obama To Deny Hillary Clinton The White House