Donald Trump threatens to expose Ted Cruz’s Wife

In response to a campaign ad that showed his wife posing naked for a modeling shoot, Republican front-runner Donald Trump has threatened Ted Cruz that if he Cruz isn’t careful, he The Donald would ‘spill the beans on Heidi Cruz, Ted’s wife. In response. Cruz denied being behind the campaign ad that had angered Trump. It…… Continue reading Donald Trump threatens to expose Ted Cruz’s Wife

Banker arrested for ‘trying to steal’ dead man’s N23 million deposit

According to the story, the 36-year-old banker learnt of the death of a rich customer of the bank who had N23 million lodged with the bank. He now connived with 2 other people to try to steal the money. They almost got away with it but… Somehow reminds me of these bank heist films. See…… Continue reading Banker arrested for ‘trying to steal’ dead man’s N23 million deposit