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  • Author
    • #120926
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Critical

      Would you prefer to be unhappy in a relationship where you have access to all kinds of currency OR be happy in a relationship where you barely eat because of no funds?

      Which would you prefer?

    • #120932
      OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Critical

      [quote quote=120926]Would you prefer to be unhappy in a relationship where you have access to all kinds of currency OR be happy in a relationship where you barely eat because of no funds?

      Which would you prefer?[/quote] This question hard o. But one thing I know is that some wealthy people are still sad despite their money.

    • #120933
      Igbodefender Points: 850
      Rank: Critical

      I prefer to be unhappy in a relationship where i have access to all kinds of currency because I will still enjoy the money,but being happy without money is also sadness.

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