Donald Trump Should Not Try To Take Advantage Of Hillary Clinton’s Health Issues

Hillary Clinton as we all know, had to be rushed out of the 9-11 memorial held yelsterday, and she is reported to be down with pneumonia. It is true that Donald Trump has been making an issue of how Clinton is not qualified to be US president, but he should please not take advantage of… Continue reading Donald Trump Should Not Try To Take Advantage Of Hillary Clinton’s Health Issues

Meet The Amaziong 12 Year Old Running Donald Trump’s Campaign In Colorado

An enterprising 12-year-old boy is running Donald Trump’s presidential campaign office in one of Colorado’s most vital counties, according to a new report. Weston Imer runs operations for Trump’s camp in Jefferson County, KDVR News said Sunday. Jefferson County is one of the most populous counties in Colorado State, as it includes part of the… Continue reading Meet The Amaziong 12 Year Old Running Donald Trump’s Campaign In Colorado

Donald Trump’s Tough Times Continue…

With The Donald, it seems each day brings a new barrage of attacks from those determined not to give him a fighting chance. Donald Trump depends on his pronouncements to maintain his appeal, but the tactics being used by his enemies is to pounce on any pronouncement he makes and find something – anything in… Continue reading Donald Trump’s Tough Times Continue…

A Plea For Justice Bader Ginsburg: Trumpists, Please Forgive Her

Yes, Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg brought the United States Supreme Court to disrepute by her epic meltdown in opposition to the candidacy of Donald Trump. How can a judge of the Supreme Court bring herself so low as to become unabashedly partisan. Happy she has wisely realized her mistake and retraced her steps.