Igbodefender.com historical research reveals that Igbos used to rival Europeans in the export of manufactured goods to ancient Bonny Kingdom. In many cases there was a clear preference for …
Tag: South Korea
The Case For A Commonwealth Of The Koreas
With Kim Jong Un’s historic visit to South Korea, it is tempting to imagine a quickly reunified Korean nation becoming the latest world power- South Korea’s Kias, Hyundais and Samsungs combined with North Korea’s nuclear arsenal in one country. Think of an Asian version of France or the UK: economic powers that posses a rare… Continue reading The Case For A Commonwealth Of The Koreas
North Korea may be about to move out artilleries targeting South Korea’s capital, Seoul
Park Geun-hye became president after vowing to end presidential pardons. Now jailed, will she accept one if given to her?
Kim Jong Un opens up to South Korea, US, and now, China