We saw the description of the effects of poverty by a Nairalander called englishmart See below: Poverty can format your brain and make you a zombie… Poverty can make you forget yourself in the middle of an express. Poverty can make you love your oppressors just to get crumbs. https://www.nairaland.com/6281011/woman-throws-herself-floor-oluwo Do you agree?
Tag: poverty
Are Collapsed Oil Prices About To Make Nigerians Even Poorer?
I read this analysis about what the collapse of the crude oil might mean to Nigeria. And I must tell you; it is scary. Read it because to be forewarned is to be forearmed. https://leaders.ng/oil-price-nigeria-and-the-new-reality%ef%bb%bf-by-okestalyf/
The Hunger In Nigeria Is Serious- UNDP
With the current exchange rates, 70 per cent of Nigerians live on less than US$1 per day. Too few Nigerians are able to obtain enough food to live healthy and productive lives, so it is no surprise Nigeria is ranked the 14th most hungry nation out of 119 countries and 152nd out of 187 on… Continue reading The Hunger In Nigeria Is Serious- UNDP