Hurray, Obi and Ebi have finally reconciled their differences. It took a talk that lasted hours before the 2 private lovers finally started smiling at each other. Obi had to pet his woman and make her feel like the queen she is. Pride is the arch enemy of love in relationships. It is good they… Continue reading Ultimate Love: OBIEBI Couple Finally Reconcile, As Obi Pets Ebi
Tag: obi
Ultimate Love Show: Things Fall Apart As OBIEBI Couple Tear Themselves Apart
OBIEBI, one of the nominated couples facing possible eviction had a rough night that exploded during the Saturday party, and only today’s events will tell if they are still a couple. Aunty had earlier said Obi is ‘too protective’ of Ebi. (What’s bad in that?) She said that was why she didn’t choose them to… Continue reading Ultimate Love Show: Things Fall Apart As OBIEBI Couple Tear Themselves Apart
King Making (Ichi Eze) In Igbo Land
Cool Sunday, folks. I saw this amazing forum discussion about king making in Igbo Land, and decided to share with you. It also has some colourful photos depicting this aspect if Igbo culture. Enjoy!