US election 2016: Clinton will win the Democratic Party’s nomination tommorow

Last time Hillary Clinton ran in the Democratic Party primaries, she failed. That was in 2008 when she was beaten by Barack Obama, who went on to win the US presidential elections in that year. But in today’s primaries, Hillary Clinton is projected to win all five states that are up for grabs. And when she wins,… Continue reading US election 2016: Clinton will win the Democratic Party’s nomination tommorow

Bernie Sanders beats Hilary Clinton in 7 of the last eight primaries: Wins Wyoming

Bernie Sanders, who is challenging Hilary Clinton for the ticket of the Democratic Party has given her another bloody nose, beating her in the US state of Wyoming. Even though he has beaten Hilary Clinton in 7 of the last 8 primaries, he still has some way to go if he will snatch the lead… Continue reading Bernie Sanders beats Hilary Clinton in 7 of the last eight primaries: Wins Wyoming

Chicago Rally Disruption: Trump Threatens Counter Attack

Republican front-runner Donald Trump who believes the people that disrupted and forced him to postpone his Chicago rally were sent by Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, and he has threatened to counter-attack’by sending his own supporters to Bernie’s rallies. Trump who has not elaborated much on why he believes the disrupters are fromBernies Sanders’ campaign wrote… Continue reading Chicago Rally Disruption: Trump Threatens Counter Attack