For Africa, this is great. Nice one World Bank!
by IkpuMmadu
The World Bank has launched “Focus: Sub-Saharan Africa,” a free user-friendly online Africa knowledge feature of the Open Knowledge Repository which contains the World Bank’s premium research, published books, journal articles, economic and sector studies, working papers, and knowledge briefs dealing with key aspects of Africa’s development.
The platform consists of more than 4,000 titles of World Bank publications specific to Africa. With seven decades of experience working with developing countries, the World Bank Group has built a knowledge reservoir on development practice and theory, which has become a major global public good consulted by governments, business, researchers, students, journalists, and civil society.
“Through the Africa knowledge platform on the Open Knowledge Repository, our research is easily searchable and accessible to our clients and to the general public free of charge,” noted Makhtar Diop, World Bank Vice President for Africa. “I hope researchers, particularly students and faculty of universities all over the world, will make good use of this treasure trove of resources.”
The wealth of content is grouped according to topics such as agriculture, poverty, energy, or urbanization, as well as along geographic lines according to countries and sub-regions
“We have curated the metadata and optimized our search engine to produce targeted results with meaningful filters. The Focus platform groups together handy search links on key topics, countries, and regions. Tens of thousands more of operational and project-related documents dating back 70 years can also be found on the broader Documents & Reports site,” said Denis Robitaille, Director of the Information and Technology Solutions Team at the World Bank. “
Source : World Bank
Nice 1