So, Elon Musk has released Ex-President Donald Trump’s Twitter account with his millions of followers. But Trump never expected to get that account returned, and has formed a social media network of his own with almost a million members. That’s a far cry from his Twitter numbers, but at least he can’t get banned…
So, would he just abandon what he formed and probably borrowed funds for; for his old Twitter account?
I think he’s more likely to use his Twitter as a megaphone for Truth Social? That means treating his Twitter account the way CNN treats it’s YouTube and CNN accounts. As hubs to a spoke.
Many of us and even some influential personalities have accounts on various social media platforms. I don’t think it’s different with Trump. He will definitely keep his followers on both
They don tier, they saw that Trump does not send them again. Lol.
After Ex-President Donald Trump has forgotten his Twitter account, they now restored it back. Well, good for them.
Hammm.. Twitter I don’t know what to say to you people.
I think Trump has lost interest on it
The treatment meted on him was harsh
Am not doing Twitter
Nothing concerns me with Twitter