Donald Trump is facing criticism for proclaiming his inauguration day a ‘National Day of Patriotic Devotion’. Some say that in doing that he has copied the Kim dynasty that frequently uses the phrase ‘patriotic devotion’. The insinuation is that because the Kim dynasty uses the word patriotic devotion frequently, it is somehow unpatriotic and undemocratic… Continue reading Woodrow Wilson once declared a Day Of Patriotic Devotion; so, why crucify Trump for doing the same?
Tag: United States
They should allow Trump fail before they crucify him
Liberal women march against Trump. See video. Do you think their opposition to Trump is democratic, giving the fact that he is a duly elected president, and didn’t take power by force?
Congratulations Donald Trump
I congratulate Donald Trump on his assumption of the US Presidency today. We that supported him from day one, even when the opinion polls were discouraging are very very happy. The Donald carry go joor!
‘5 Ways Obama Betrayed Africa’
The writer of the piece I have linked to below, OREVA-OGHENNE EJIRO has no chill for outgoing US president Barrak Obama. He accuses Kenyan American Obama of cutting Nigeria’s oil sales to the US, while increasing the oil sales of Qatar. Remember that our economic problems really started after Obama cut Nigeria’s oil sales to the… Continue reading ‘5 Ways Obama Betrayed Africa’
Will Russia Protect The Phillipines If China Attacks?
President Rodi Duterte recently visited a Russian warship, where he expressed hopes that Russia can become the military protector of The Philippines in the event of an attack. But I think that is going too far.