Discontent can keep you from becoming impervious to success. Something keeps pushing you. There’s something in front keeping you motivated. When you lose motivation, you become like a car without fuel. That burning spark no longer there to impel your feet forward. Always set forth a vision. Have something to look forward to. Science tells…… Continue reading The Value Of Not Being Too Satisfied
Tag: inspiration
How A Rejected Woman Became A Landowner
This is a real-life inspiring story about how a rejected woman was able to aqcuire land and build her own house in very challenging circumstances. Read all about it
American Citizen Lives The American Dream Despite Rejections Due To Criminal Record
The American dream, we are told, means that anyone cam succeed in the US irrespective of social class. But in reality, people with criminal records find it doubly hard to get decent jobs. Well in the link is the story of an American who after facing some rejection, decided to employ himself. He now makes…… Continue reading American Citizen Lives The American Dream Despite Rejections Due To Criminal Record
Many ladies hopeful as Igbo blogger Linda Ikeji prepares to giveaway N10 million
Linda Ikeji yesterday held a massive meeting with young female entrepreneurs with the aim of providing much-needed capital for as many of them as she can provide to enable them pursue their business dreams.As you know, inNigeria, it is very difficult for most people As you know, in Nigeria, it is very difficult for most…… Continue reading Many ladies hopeful as Igbo blogger Linda Ikeji prepares to giveaway N10 million