Boy, 16, Allegedly Rapes 5 Year Old Girl, Infects Her With HIV

Reports say a 16 year old boy has alledegedly raped a 5 year old girl and infected her with HIV in Abuja. This story which was published on Instablog9ja, was shared by an Instagram user, Ibadin Sandra who says the rape happened to her colleague’s child and that the victim’s family is finding it difficult… Continue reading Boy, 16, Allegedly Rapes 5 Year Old Girl, Infects Her With HIV

Pastor Accused Of Leading HIV Positive Man To His Death After Prayers

The family of a dead man has claimed that he died because he had faith that controversial South African based prophet, Pastor Alph Lukau’s prayer’s had led to his healing from HIV. But, should the dead man have stopped taking his drugs? And should the Pastor not have told him to go take a medical… Continue reading Pastor Accused Of Leading HIV Positive Man To His Death After Prayers