Why Should Electrical Congo Be Most Un-electrified Country!?

I was shocked to read recently that my dear Democratic Republic Of Congo is the most ‘un-electrified’ country on earth. (My country Nigeria was next most un-electrified.)

The reason I am shocked is that the River Congo is partly based in Congo (DRC). In fact, the source of the river is in Congo (DRC). You see, the River Congo is the strongest river in Africa in terms of potential to produce electricity. It is so strong that the world’s biggest dam, the Great Inga Dam has been proposed there.

It is said that when built, the dam would be able to power most of Africa and even supply power to Europe and the Middle East.

So, I hope the Great Inga is built as quickly as possible, so that my dear Congo can become, perhaps the most electrified country on earth.

By OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender

Digital marketer and Marketing analyst


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