Igbos only think they are being marginalised. If only they knew! God is using the marginalisation of Igbos for His purpose.
I met an Igbo mayor of a major American city. Many Igbo are mayors/MPs in Europe.
An Igbo is being considered as a future British PM.An Igbo man is the current President of the ICC.
An Igbo woman is currently a Deputy Governor at the World Bank and had twice been considered for the Governor of W.B (but racism scuttled the mandate).Although the Igbos encounter a lot in this country and are demeaned in every way, yet, like the Jews, the more you marginalise Igbos locally, the more they leave to thrive globally.
It is the destiny of the Igbo race to restore the fortunes of the Black Race worldwide hence their thriving anywhere they find themselves. Their crucifixion is meant to prepare them for their benediction.
Another Igbo man made Senator in Italy.
Reno Omokri
This was when Reno’s brain was still intact, he was praising the igbos at every given chance because he truly knows their worth and Strength, he had them as his highest number of followers, what has changed? An Igbo man contested the presidential election against his paymaster and all of a sudden the same igbos he has been praising all his life turned into IPOB, the same igbos turned into ingrates, there was nothing this man didn’t do to incite the igbos against Hausa and Yorubas, all these because Peter Obi was contesting against Atiku, I’m not in position to say if it will be well or not with Reno but God in heaven will pay him according to his labor.
Thank God for revealing the true color of this chameleon, I used to be his top fan but not anymore.