Why Aisha And Muhammadu Buhari Should Reconcile ASAP

When thjngs fall appart, the centre cannot hold. So did Igbo author Chinua Achebe teach us through his award winning book. Today things appear to have fallen appart in Nigeria’s First Family, and that portends danger for our nation.

Already, we have been complaining of thd slow pace of many aspects of Buhari’s Change Agenda. Just imagine what would happen if the current spat between President Buhari and his First Lady , Aisha is allowed to snowball into a cold war, or worse, a fully bown out
conflct like a bitter, messy divorce. A wise man once said that when 2 elephants fight, the grasses suffer.

In this time of hunger, it will be the masses that suffer the most if President Buhari and the First Lady get distracted from their significant roles in the polity. This is because a large fraction of the time President Buhari should be spending trying to dig us out of the economic hole we are in would be spent fighting his significant other, his better half – and you know what they say: A house divided against itself cannot stand.

In a sense, this could be seen as as a war between women (one half of the population) and men (the other half). The war of words between Aisha and Muhammadu Buhari that has gripped the attention of the nation is a soap opera we cannot afford to watch.

The Zikist Movement calls for restraint on both sides, for the sake of themselves, their kids and the nation. It shall be well with Nigeria.

Categorized as Politics

By OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender

Digital marketer and Marketing analyst


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