The Igbo Town Of Enugu Has The Answer To Nigeria’s Power Problem

Enugu in Igbo Land is a place brimming with coal, and coal cintributes over 40 % of the world’s electricity. But what do we see in Nigeria? In spite of the epileptic power problem caused by the ‘scarcity’ of gas, coal lies unnused and actually accounts for 0% of electricity generation in Nigeria.

Without electricity, Nigeria can not go anywhere economically, but we see the issue of coal exploitation continuously ignored as if it doesnt exist, perhaps, becuase of the jobs it will create in Enugu, which is part of Igbo land (there is a widespread but unnecesary fear of the economic power of the Igbo). But the way I see it, even if you hate the Igbo people and wouldnt want them to get jobs, consider the fact that you will gain a lot from power that can be generated from coal.

You wouldnt have to queue to buy kerosene, when you could cook with an electric stove; The frozen foods seller in your neighbourhood would reduce the price of the fish she sells you, because she doesn’t have to buy expensive petrol to fuel her generator.

You the blogger, wouldnt have to limit your blogging, and therefore your traffic, becuase you don’t have to over-rely on your generator, and because the cyber cafes that are closing down right left and centre would be reopen.

Let me stop here, because today is kind of an off day for me. But the sooner the powers that be realise that they have to come down to the Igbo city of Enugu for coal if they want Nigeria’s power problem solved, the better for all Nigerians.



By OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender

Digital marketer and Marketing analyst


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