Attention Tourists: Armagh known as the ecclesiastical capital of Ireland. It is home to both Catholic and Anglican archbishops. But in addition, researchers have found ‘huge’ religious structures that may be equal to Stonehenge in significance. “This discovery means quite a lot in terms of how we understand and view this site.” “This is a… Continue reading “HUGE IRON AGE TEMPLES” DISCOVERED IN NORTHERN IRELAND
Tag: Northern Ireland
Will The Taliban Become Another Sinn Féin?
Sinn Féin has a chance to form the next government of the Republic of Ireland after besting the 2 traditional government-forming parties in the just concluded general election. But it wasn’t always a party known for democratic participation. Once upon a time there was religious war in Northern Ireland between Catholic Sinn Féin, its military… Continue reading Will The Taliban Become Another Sinn Féin?