Syrian President Assad’s forces have until recently, avoided bombing the Kurdish fighters in Syria, instead forging a loose alliance with them. The reason for this loose alliance is clear: Assad needs all the support he can get in terms of boots on the ground in his fight against those opposed to his government. The Islamic State (IS)… Continue reading One Area Where Erdogan And Assad Agree
Tag: Erdogan
Erdogan threatens to flood EU with Syrian refugees
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan today has blasted EU and UN pressure to open Turkey’s borders to more refugees from Syria, threatening to send the millions already in the country to other states in busloads. He told a gathering of businessmen. He blasted: “We do not have the word ‘idiot’ written on our foreheads. Don’t think… Continue reading Erdogan threatens to flood EU with Syrian refugees
Turkey’s Erdogan threatens to flood Europe with migrants: Greek website
Erdogan is not smiling. He aims to make Turkey an independent power, not one that conforms to ‘European values’ but one that conforms to ‘Turkish’ or ‘Ottoman’ values. Erdogan doesn’t see himself as a European leader. He sees himself as the reincarnation of the Ottoman Sultans of old. Source: Turkey’s Erdogan threatened to flood Europe… Continue reading Turkey’s Erdogan threatens to flood Europe with migrants: Greek website