Igbo na abga mgbor. Igbos work hard. That is the same story with one of our brothers, Emmanuel Okoro.
Here he was designing clothes with creativity. He was diligent in his chosen profession, fashion design.
Long story short, the British Prime Minister, Theresa May was visiting Nigeria and decided to wear a jacket he designed.
Mazi Okoro’s story has since changed. He has met Mrs May who was indeed honoured to meet him.
I see two lessons here:
1. We should be diligent in our business. King Solomon was right when he wrote that a man dilligent in his works will stand before kings.
2. President Buhari and our governors and senators, etc., should market our excellent professionals, artisans, etc.
That way, they will gain worldwide fame and we will certainly get benefits from that, one way or the other.
Nya gazie.