Big Brother Level Up Housemates just came out of the show this October, and MultiChoice has announced a new Big Brother show to start in January.
So, my advice to Big Brother Level Up ex-Housemates is this: Level up quickly, because in January, the Titans are coming!
Sell you brand and shine ya eye. No time for time o. Now is the time to step up ya game, creatively. No too waste money. Learn what may work and what may not. Look before you leap. Level up. Nuff said.
Wow! This is really good news. Kudos MultiChoice.
Nice one MultiChoice.
At least this will keep young youths buzzy.
WOW! More money in the pocket.
Nice one MultiChoice. I will give it a try.
@Abna that will be good.
Kudos to MultiChoice.
@Abna just give it a shot, you can never tell.
I am right behind you.
Well done MultiChoice for putting smiles on people’s faces.
See how people are celebrating Big brother as if it is World cup or champion’s league final
How do you guys enjoy watching people sitting down eating and gossiping?