The International Criminal Court, ICC, has concluded plans to pay 1 euro to each Malian as symbolic reparation over the destruction of cultural sites in Timbuktu in 2012 by forces loyal to Mr Al Mahdi. The symbolic reparation will e paid on 30th of March, 2021 by the ICC. Mali’s President will host the event and officials of UNESCO will be in attendance. Some of the destroyed buildings were UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Recall that, in 2012, the town of Timbuktu was taken ovet by armed groups of the Ansar Dine. Among the soldiers was Mr Al Mahdi, said to be one of the most influential figures. Al Mahdi was convicted in 2016 by the ICC for the damage of some of the cultural heritage of Timbuktu, amounting to a tomb, 8 mausoleums, and also the door of the Sidi Yahia mosque.
It is worth compensation and I love this verdict