Shakespeare said many centuries ago in his historical drama Julius Ceaser that the heavens blaze forth the death of princes. Well, see the rainbow behind late musician Prince’s house in Paisley Park.
In the drama, Julius Ceaser, Julius Ceaser’s wife, Calpurnia is begging him not to go out that day, as she fears for his life.
According to the tale, Ceaser did not sleep well that night and Calpurnia herself had several bad dreams and cried aloud 3 times from those dreams thus, “They murder Caesar!”
When she awakens she begs her husband to stay home. Caesar sends word to the priests and they, too, return a warning that Caesar must stay home.
Calpurnia is very disturbed , also because of other strange events of the evening before which include: reports that a lioness was seen giving birth in the streets of Rome, the dead rising from their graves (wish I was a blogger then), warriors fighting in the clouds, reports of horses neighing and dying men groaning, ghosts shrieking.
So she begs her husband to stay home. Caesar consults his priests and they too say Caesar must stay home. Calpurnia sees the strange events of the preceding evening as bad omens: she has heard reports that a lioness was seen giving birth in the streets of Rome. There were also reports of the dead rising from their graves and warriors fighting in the clouds. She got reports of horses neighing and dying men groaning, ghosts shrieking. And Comets were seen during the night, which Calpurnia sees as a sign that a prince will meet death.
So she says this to her husband:
“When beggars die there are no comets seen;
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.”

I doubted the truth in this at first, but the photo above makes me begin to see things differently. In the case of Julius Caeser, it was a comet. In the case of Prince it is a rainbow. The rainbow was seen blazing forth in Paisley Park as tributes were given to American musician and Prince of Music.
You ask me how a general statement can be taken as a prediction? when you consider the fact that in adding that statement to Calpurnia’s dialogue Shakespeare was probably using artistic licence – that the real Calpurnia probably didn’t say those words, it begins to look to me like a prediction of American singer Prince’s death.
There appears to be a supernatural dimension in Princes death.Already the internet is agog as it has found 2 people that predicted Prince’s death – one did so 2 weeks ago, while the other did so exactly one year go. Look below to see the snapshots.
This one below predicted Prince’s death exactly one year ago.
I can hear you say.”Hmm, what is happening here?” If you ask me, na who I go ask? apologies to musician Asha.
Tributes In Purple To The Prince Of Music
Elsewhere, fans in America and beyond have been paying tribute to the prolific musician using the colour purple. Prince, who was found dead yesterday at Paisely Park was aged 57.
He was a multi-talented singer who sang comfortably and excellently in many genres and was often compared to Micheal Jackson because of his style. From NASA, to newspapers, to buildings, to websites, it was all tributes in purple. See some photos below:
Hmnnn…sounds more like coincidence to me than a prediction.
May his soul rest in peace