How Hillary Clinton Was Nominated As Democratic Party Candidate

The article linked to below gives a concise report of the nomination of Hillary Clinton as the first female presidential flag-bearer for the US Democratic Party.

The Democrats have been known to be first in so many things political in the United States. For instance, they gave the US its first Catholic president (John F. Kennedy) and its first Black president (Barak Obama). Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Democrat) became the only US president to serve for four terms.

But with Hurricane Trump blowing from the right of US politics, will the Democrats be able to convince America to make Hillary Clinton the first female presidet of the United States?

Hillary’s husband Bill Clinton, America’s first female Secretary of State, Madeleine Allbright and a host of other Democratic heavyweights seem to think so.

Read all about it here: Bill Clinton makes the case for Hillary in intensely personal speech | US news | The Guardian

By OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender

Digital marketer and Marketing analyst


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