
Lesson in Life

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    • #60801
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Know where You are coming from,
      so You don’t compare ourselves with others.
      Don’t rush in life…
      In Life, overtaking is allowed,
      So if you are already there, it’s good,
      We are also coming.
      Never let peers influence You,
      Be in your lane,
      hustle, pray to God
      and your time will soon come
      Remain Blessed

    • #60810
      OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      [quote quote=60801]Know where You are coming from,
      so You don’t compare ourselves with others.
      Don’t rush in life…
      In Life, overtaking is allowed,
      So if you are already there, it’s good,
      We are also coming.
      Never let peers influence You,
      Be in your lane,
      hustle, pray to God
      and your time will soon come
      Remain Blessed[/quote]
      One saying that inspires me a lot is that we should try to compete with ourselves. In other words, we should try to be better versions of our former selves.

      One way we can improve ourself is by reading widely, not just in other to pass an examination or gain a certification.

      • #112889
        Blessing Olugu
        Igbodefender Points: 0
        Rank: Lesson in Life

        Reading s very essential in human life but only a few recognize this fact.

    • #60811
      OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      I also think playing of chess improves the memory.

      • #60821
        Igbodefender Points: 0
        Rank: Lesson in Life

        [quote quote=60811]I also think playing of chess improves the memory.[/quote]

        I agree with you. Just that I don’t know how to play chess but judging from how I see people play it, I am sure it’s a game that can improve memory. Personally, I love games especially strategy games . My favorite is Sodoku

      • #112890
        Blessing Olugu
        Igbodefender Points: 0
        Rank: Lesson in Life

        You are right cause it makes one thinks critically

    • #60823
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Yes playing of chess really improve memory

    • #60824
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Though I’m not that good in playing it but I love it

    • #60825
      Igbodefender Points: 850
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Lesson in life is that, we have to choose whatever we do, structure out our lives, get ourselves to the top, figure out our life’s purpose, and do it all at the same time. We should always Slow down — do don’t rush into things. Let your life unfold. Wait a bit to see where it takes you and take time to weigh your options.

    • #60826
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Chess is a game of reasoning think well before taking a step

    • #60827
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      @pink u are right but at times we have to be very focus so that the time won’t pass us by

    • #60828
      Igbodefender Points: 1,200
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      [quote quote=60801]Know where You are coming from,
      so You don’t compare ourselves with others.
      Don’t rush in life…
      In Life, overtaking is allowed,
      So if you are already there, it’s good,
      We are also coming.
      Never let peers influence You,
      Be in your lane,
      hustle, pray to God
      and your time will soon come
      Remain Blessed[/quote]well said.lesson to live by.

    • #60829
      Igbodefender Points: 1,200
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Life lesson, don’t be sad for too long after you have been failing. Pick yourself up and never give up in life.

    • #60833
      Igbodefender Points: 850
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      [quote quote=60827] @pink u are right but at times we have to be very focus so that the time won’t pass us by[/quote] you have a point, but what matters is speeding up at the right time.

    • #60834
      OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      [quote quote=60821]

      I also think playing of chess improves the memory.

      I agree with you. Just that I don’t know how to play chess but judging from how I see people play it, I am sure it’s a game that can improve memory. Personally, I love games especially strategy games . My favorite is Sodoku[/quote]

      Sudoku is another powerful game. I respect those that play it. I am more versed in Sudoku’s cousin, Crossword Puzzles. @michellecute here is an expert at Scrabble.

    • #60837
      OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      [quote quote=60833]

      @pink u are right but at times we have to be very focus so that the time won’t pass us by

      you have a point, but what matters is speeding up at the right time.[/quote]

      Timing is important. The eagle spends time slowly circling the sky and observing its prey. Then at the right time, it swoops down with great speed and snatches the prey.

    • #60839
      OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      [quote quote=60837]

      @pink u are right but at times we have to be very focus so that the time won’t pass us by

      you have a point, but what matters is speeding up at the right time.

      Timing is important. The eagle spends time slowly circling the sky and observing its prey. Then at the right time, it swoops down with great speed and snatches the prey.[/quote]

      In other words, there’s a time for everything. A time to slow down and a time to speed up.

      This principle can also be seen in the area of giving birth, where the medical officer instructs the woman to push only at ‘the right’ time.

    • #60854
      OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      [quote quote=60826]Chess is a game of reasoning think well before taking a step[/quote]

      Yes, chess is a game of reasoning. It is different from games if chance like Ludo.

      But come to think of it, games of chance also have a place.

      I want to think that Ludo teaches people how to recognise good luck or make the best of the options they have.

    • #60855
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      One should make their life decision and with confidence. Don’t rush, work hard, u can achieve your goals.

    • #61259
      Igbodefender Points: 850
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      [quote quote=60829]Life lesson, don’t be sad for too long after you have been failing. Pick yourself up and never give up in life.[/quote] that is it. You matter what, don’t give up in life.

    • #61272
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Never make any decision in anger 😠
      Never promise in happiness!😀

    • #61277
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.
      – Ralph Waldo Emerson

    • #61303
      OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      [quote quote=61091]Don’t be disappointed
      if the world refuses to help you
      As Einstein said:
      “I am thankful to all those who said No..
      Its because of them I did it myself”.. ![/quote]

      I agree with this. I agree because when people are against someone’s idea, it can make the person work hard to achieve that idea.

    • #61304
      OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      [quote quote=61277]Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.
      – Ralph Waldo Emerson[/quote]

      Life sometimes looks like a university.

    • #61305
      OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      [quote quote=61272]Never make any decision in anger 😠
      Never promise in happiness!😀[/quote]

      So, in many situations in life, it is better to remain calm. Great.

    • #61351
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” – Lao Tzu

      Your goal may be big, and at times, it may seem impossible and difficult. You will feel like you’re failing and you’re not getting anywhere. But perseverance, belief and conviction in those small steps that you’re taking towards those goals is what you need to be confident about. Consistently follow your life mission, one step at a time, no matter how small the step may be , and before you know it, you are there.
      …….. Always Remember that, CONSISTENCY IS THE KEY TO BREAKTHROUGH..

    • #61352
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Do not betray anyone
      who places his trust in you
      even if he betrays you.

    • #61369
      OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      [quote quote=61351]“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” – Lao Tzu

      Your goal may be big, and at times, it may seem impossible and difficult. You will feel like you’re failing and you’re not getting anywhere. But perseverance, belief and conviction in those small steps that you’re taking towards those goals is what you need to be confident about. Consistently follow your life mission, one step at a time, no matter how small the step may be , and before you know it, you are there.
      …….. Always Remember that, CONSISTENCY IS THE KEY TO BREAKTHROUGH..

      This curation reminds me of the Japanese system of incremental improvements. That is frequently making minor improvements. It helped Japan become an economic giant.

      Block by block a house 🏠 is built.

    • #61370
      OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      [quote quote=61352]Do not betray anyone
      who places his trust in you
      even if he betrays you.[/quote]

      Betrayal reduces trust.

    • #61416
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Life on his own is a lesson to us

    • #61418
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      We lean lessons every day on any step we take

    • #61421
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      @yamcy yes don’t not betray any in love of anything be it money or any coz life is full of regretion

    • #62263
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Doing good for selfish reasons doesn’t make you good. It just makes you good at being selfish. —Harold Cooper, (The Blacklist Tv series)

    • #62302
      Igbodefender Points: 850
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      [quote quote=61277]Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.
      – Ralph Waldo Emerson[/quote] true talk, Life is a lesson that we learn every day.

    • #62494
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life


    • #62518
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      `The person who doesn’t forgive.
      The person who is always comparing him or herself to others,

    • #62519
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      The person who doesn’t practice thankfulness or contentment

    • #63623
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      How can you identify intelligent people?

    • #64397
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Three things you cannot recover in life: the WORD after it’s said, the MOMENT after it’s missed and the TIME after it’s gone. Be Careful!

    • #64539
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life


    • #64540
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      That’s great

    • #65024
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Four Great ways of Living:
      First, Look back & Thank GOD…
      2nd,Look forward & Trust GOD
      3rd,Look around & Believe GOD
      4th,Look within & Find GOD

    • #65234
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      One of the best ways to feel happy and content is to be thankful for what you already have.

    • #76056
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      We can learn important life lessons by reading, watching educative videos, or through someone experience.

    • #82638
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      People’s talk behind your back for 3 reasons, 1. When they can’t reach your level, 2. When they don’t have what you have, 3. When they want to copy your lifestyle but can’t.

    • #91052
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Respect yourself before someone else respect you 🤗

    • #110268
      OzoIgboNdu1 of Igbo Defender
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Lesson: It’s good to be good (kind).
      By being kind, you are helping people, and some will remember and help you back in future.

    • #110697
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      If you want to live a successful life, Don’t let yourself be controlled by three things: PEOPLE, MONEY, or PAST EXPERIENCES.

    • #110792
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Don’t talk to many people about your problems. Many of them are not interested, and they do not have a solution. Telling many people about your difficult situation might erode your confidence and mental well being in the sense that they might start mocking you with your difficult situation.

    • #110933
      Fatima Ibrahim Kani
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Rule your mind or it will rule you. When you rule your mind by controlling negativity and doubt, you rule your world. The choice is yours to make every day.

    • #110998
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      People change, things goes wrrog,just remember life goes on

    • #110999
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      The biggest challenge in life is being your self in a world trying to make you like everyone elese

    • #111232
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      A true friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.

    • #111467
      Fatima Ibrahim Kani
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Forgiveness benefits two people-the giver and receiver.
      The bravest and the smartest thing you can do in a bad situation is to forgive and move on. Don’t allow grudges and grievances to add to the weight you carry on the road to your own success.

    • #111689
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overall s and look like work

    • #111690
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      A person should set his goal as early as he can and decorate all his energy and talent to getting there with enough effort he may achieve it.or he may find something that is even more rewarding.but in the end,no matter what the outcome he will know he has been alive.

    • #112034
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Don’t be sad or afraid when you start losing friends, be glad you’re getting rid of the fake ones. Stay true to yourself.

    • #112883
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Don’t give any person 100% of your trust. That goes even for some of your closest friends. This is especially true in business.

    • #114620
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Live life like you want to. Not how people want you to. You are your own person. No matter how hard you try to be someone else, it doesn’t work… be yourself and that will!

    • #114980
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      A goal without a plan is just a wish.

    • #117006
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Don’t ever be afraid to show who you really are, because as long as you are happy with yourself, no one else’s opinion matters.

    • #117805
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Learn from people’s mistakes, do not wait to make yours before you learn

    • #117806
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Do not talk to many people about your problems.

    • #117810
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Be sensitive, be smart.

      So you know when you are being misled

    • #117811
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Do not allow yourself to become an object of pity.

    • #117812
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Do not allow people to take advantage of your situation.

      Talk to respectable elders because they have more experience.

    • #118434
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      We all learn it

    • #119967
      Igbodefender Points: 200
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      [quote quote=60801]Know where You are coming from,
      so You don’t compare ourselves with others.
      Don’t rush in life…
      In Life, overtaking is allowed,
      So if you are already there, it’s good,
      We are also coming.
      Never let peers influence You,
      Be in your lane,
      hustle, pray to God
      and your time will soon come
      Remain Blessed[/quote]these are life golden rules it will be more of blessing if one keeps to all these rules and success will be a most for such person

    • #119969
      Igbodefender Points: 200
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      [quote quote=117812]Do not allow people to take advantage of your situation.

      Talk to respectable elders because they have more experience.[/quote]What a trick, talking to respectable elders is a trick

    • #120044
      Igbodefender Points: 0
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Be patient at any situation you are.Try to forgive anyone who make you sad and forget

    • #120484
      Igbodefender Points: 100
      Rank: Lesson in Life

      Your biggest competitor should always be yourself. Self-motivation is key. You won’t be successful without it.

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