Phyna’s Fans were seen online saying they shouldn’t support Groovy but rather support Adekunle and Hermis. Their reason? Because they feel if Groovy is left in the house, he’ll divide Phyna’s vote.
From Phyna’s tears, her heart is not with what her fans did. But her fans believe it’s for the best.
I think they made a right choice by not voting for Groovy so that he will not divide Phyna’s vote.
I am not surprise that Groovy was evicted.
Wise choice from Phyna’s Fans. They really want to focused only on Phyna.
They don’t want Groovy to divide their votes.
I think this is wise decision for phynation.
Wise choice!
I guess they don’t want Groovy to divide Phyna’s vote.
Watching once in a while
I don’t even know the channel